Volunteer Work in Brazil

Andrea Milone, a volunteer in Brazil



Andrea, 30 years old spent three months in the state of Goiàs, Brazil, as a volunteer for ATMA. He was interested in sustainable tourism and with his training in the tourist sector, Andrea decided to experience it at first hand after attending a training course with FOSIT (NGO Federation of Italian Switzerland). He says it was a choice which has enriched his personal growth and which he advises anyone who is interested in helping others.

“When I arrived I had a lot of difficulties,” explains the young man, “the hot and humid climate and the language problems, as well as the religious and cultural differences, not to mention the poverty and illiteracy which still exists in the country.” As he says, “You must learn to move and behave in every possible situation and you must learn quickly how to connect with the local people. But you come out of all that enriched and ready to pass on your own experiences to others.”

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